Best game of the year?
Kategori: Public
So, it's already December and there have been a lot of new games that have been released this year; Skyrim, BF3, MW3, Amnesia, Zelda Skyward Sword and so on.
This year, I've been trying out games like Dungeon Defenders, Terraria, Blacklight Retribution, Dota 2, Spiral Knights and HoN. LoL too of course. LoL have been the game that I've really enjoyed playing and I've been playing it since last fall. I've made a lot of new friends through the in game life and got to know a lot of them irl too.
I must say that I'm really looking forward to the release of BLR. I must say that Spiral Knights have been a really fun game to play whenever you would like a break from a game that you play often. I haven't played a lot of Dungeon Defenders or Terraria but I really like the graphics and game style in DD.
I can't really decide which game that would be the best game of the year for me. Perhaps LoL or SK... Hmm
Spiral Knights, this is not a screenshot I've taken - Picture from Google.
I would like you to leave a comment with which game you think have been the best game of the year and why? It can be a new game, old game or any other game that you've been into the most during the year.