"A lotseems tohappenright nowin the game worldwithGamescom going on, butnow it's aboutsomething thattakes place inthe Swedish gaming worldand the gameLeague of Legends.
The team "FightandQualify"fights their wayon the serverNordic&Eastafterthe Europe serversplitand they're nowlookingfor newteammatesto becomeone of the top teams andcrusheveryone else. Do you havewhat it takesto getSweden on the map?If so,you can send your applicationtotheir teamattheirforum@Fight&Qualify
League of Legendsisafreeteam-basedgame andyou can download it here:League OfLegends."
As I mentioned in the previous post I'm going to talk about my team Fight and Qualify. When Riot decided to split the Europan League of Legends server, most of the top team went to EU West. Right now, I can't really say that there's a top team in the Nordic & East server. So, I wanted to make my own clan, or team and try to get there with them. We're just getting started but with some pretty nice contacts and friends the team already got 2 supports; NärCon, one of the biggest conventions in Scandinavia and Highscore Sweden, a community which updates the readers about new games and such. Fight and Qualify will try to reach our goal: to be one of the top teams in EU Nordic & East. But there are something that we keep in mind while doing this. We value two of the most important things in the team; to remember that it's just a game and enjoy it and focus on teamplay. - We just started, and it might take a while. You could call this an idea, a kind of project. I hope that you guys are with me and my team in this! I'll livestream from time to time and also, if you're interested in playing with us, feel free to send an application! All information can be found at http://fightandqualify.freeforums.org/. I'll post the livestream link in another post.
Sup? How ya'll been doing lately? I know that I haven't updated the blog in a while but now I'm doing it! Creds to me, yeah I know, thank you. Seriously, some of you mentioned to me that you like my blog so hey! I can't let you guys down so I feel much more motivated to write when people actually read. - So, I got three interesting updates coming up, the first one about my own team in League of Legends Nordic & East; Fight and Qualify, the second one about what happens if you're a gal and writes somewhere in a game community and the third one will be this one: Headset and voice communication.
Something that's really annoying in my opinion is when you're playing with dudes that you know got a fully working headset/microphone and all that shiz, but doesn't use it. Well of course you got those times when you're pissed off and angry against everyone or anything that moves (or not moves, like destroying your computer gears) and just too annoyed or sad to talk. But the one's saying "I'm listening to music, hurr durr" or "I'm too lazy to plug in my headset"... Dafuk?! Well, okay fine. You know, it'll help your team mates out if they want to communicate with you. It does take some time to write in a chat meanwhile running from a huge beast trying to hump your ass in game. What I'm trying to say is that voice communication in game is really good. Not necessary but it's very helpful for both you and your team mates. What's your own thoughts about it?